

The Information section provides useful information about sixth form for current students and parents. In the Parents Information Meeting (PIM) slides you can find out details about the school day as well as plans and key dates for the year ahead.
If you want to find out about admission to sixth form, please visit the admissions section of this website via the menu.

September 24 - Parents Information Meetings Slides


From September 2011 Department for Education introduced a 16-19 bursary fund that is designed to help support young people who face the greatest barriers to continuing in education in the Sixth Form.

See the document below for information about eligibility and the application process.


Copies of all our school policies can be found on our Marling Main School website: School policies



Please click here to find the most up-to-date transport information.


School Site Map


Marling Sixth form is part of the Cotswold Beacon Academy Trust which was formed on 1st September 2016. Information can be found on the CBAT website