The Information section provides details about Sixth Form results, destinations, policies and procedures. To find out about admission to sixth form, please visit the admissions section. For other Marling School policies please visit the main school website
Copies of all our school policies can be found on our Marling Main School website: School policies
Our sixth form admissions policy for 2023 can be found here.
Marling Sixth form is part of the Cotswold Beacon Academy Trust which was formed on 1st September 2016. It currently comprises of Marling Grammar School for Boys, Berkeley Primary School and Cam Woodfield Junior School. Further information can also be found on the CBAT website
Links to the websites of the three schools are provided below:
Please click here to find the most up-to-date transport information.
Alternatively, please click on the PDF below for the most up-to-date bus routes to Marling School.